Recently, I have submitted my academic paper to NDSS 2025. Now it’s time to take a break. Following the deadline is the HITCON CTF 2024, so as the break, why not take a look? I really haven’t played CTF for quite a long time. :)

During the two days, I spent my efforts on the V8 Sandbox challenge. Actually I haven’t worked on V8 for a while. It seems that the sandbox feature now has already been enabled and incorporated into the bug bounty program. This is also a chance for me to catch up to the new progress on the V8 security. :)

0x00 Abstract

The challenge provides two exploitation primitives: writing a 64-bit value to the entry of the trusted pointer table and leaking the base address of PIE. We can use the first primitive to fake a WasmExportedFunctionData instance, allowing us to set rip to an 8-byte value in the trusted memory region. To control the content in this region, we leverage the immediate number arguments of the bytecode instruction AddSmi.ExtraWide. We can set the rip to point to the immediate numbers in the RWX page, whose address can be leaked by the second primitive, to execute our shellcode.

0x01 Trusted Pointer Table

According to the design documentation of V8 Sandbox, we can know that the trusted pointer table is used for storing the references to the trusted objects outside the sandbox. If a V8 object inside the sandbox needs to reference any trusted object, it stores a reference (i.e., index) to an entry of the trusted pointer table. The entry stores a pointer to the trusted object along with a tag value.

Some examples of the entries in the table are shown below. We can see that the high 16 bits are the tag, and the low 48 bits are the address to the V8 Object. In the example below, we job an entry containing pointer to a WasmExportedFunctionData instance. Another thing to note is that the first 0x2000 indices are read-only page, which seem to be unused.

gef➤  tel 0x007fff54010000
0x007fff54010000│+0x0000: 0x1b158f00040061 ("a"?)
0x007fff54010008│+0x0008: 0x001b158f00040181
0x007fff54010010│+0x0010: 0x001e158f0004021d
0x007fff54010018│+0x0018: 0x002b158f000402fd
0x007fff54010020│+0x0020: 0x002d158f00040321
0x007fff54010028│+0x0028: 0x001b158f00040369
0x007fff54010030│+0x0030: 0x001b158f000c0011
0x007fff54010038│+0x0038: 0x001b158f000403ad
0x007fff54010040│+0x0040: 0x80000000002009 ("\t "?)
0x007fff54010048│+0x0048: 0x8000000000200a ("\n "?)
gef➤  job 0x158f00040321 # Entry `+0x0020:`, low 48 bits are address.
0x158f00040321: [WasmExportedFunctionData]
 - map: 0x336300001e15 <Map[56](WASM_EXPORTED_FUNCTION_DATA_TYPE)>
 - func_ref: 0x336300199ed9 <Other heap object (WASM_FUNC_REF_TYPE)>
 - internal: 0x158f000402fd <Other heap object (WASM_INTERNAL_FUNCTION_TYPE)>
 - wrapper_code: 0x33630003c1b9 <Code BUILTIN JSToWasmWrapper>
 - js_promise_flags: 10
 - instance_data: 0x158f0004021d <Other heap object (WASM_TRUSTED_INSTANCE_DATA_TYPE)>
 - function_index: 0
 - signature: 0x555557fe5ea0
 - wrapper_budget: 1000

0x02 Faking Object

In this challenge, we can rewrite a table entry to an arbitrary value. After some trial, it seems that the only entry that may lead to the exploitation is the WasmExportedFunctionData shown above. I have also spent long time on other web-assembly object entries but none of them work. For example, I also tried WasmInternalFunction that is simpler and contains the web-assembly JIT code address directly (e.g., using WebAssembly.Table or calling the victim function in the web-assembly), but it seems that the JIT code address referenced by this entry is never used. The primary reason for this is that I didn’t know Sandbox.base can provide the base address of the sandboxed memory region, causing me to spend a lot of time in finding out how to fake an object using JIT immediate numbers on the RWX page whose address can be leaked by the provided PIE address, but this task is pretty hard especially the instance is as complex as WasmExportedFunctionData. Nonetheless, finally my teammate provides a PoC that informs me such leak.

The Sandbox instance provides many exploitation primitives, including arbitrary read and write in the sandboxed memory region. Therefore, we can easily fake a WasmExportedFunctionData instance in the sandboxed memory region, such as using a double array, and obtain the address of the faked object. We can simply copy the content from the WasmExportedFunctionData, except that we want the internal field to point to the correct address containing our controlled data. Besides, the field signature should also point to a buffer filled with zeros.

0x03 Controlling Trusted Region Content

The good news is that controlling internal field enables us to control rip because it reads a code address from the internal pointer and set it to rip, However, the bad news is that the field pointer is only an offset of the trusted memory region. In other words, we can only control the low 32 bits of the pointer, with the high 32 bits of the pointer being fixed to the base address of the trusted memory region.

Therefore, to control rip, we must somewhat be able to control some memory content in the trusted memory region, 8 bytes to be specific. However, it seems that most of the objects with content controllable are not in the trusted memory region but in the sandboxed memory region. After some investigation, we found that we may be able to control the arguments of AddSmi.ExtraWide to achieve such memory control. To be specific, the opcode contains two arguments: the first one is the immediate number we can control, and the second one is an index. I am not sure what the second argument is exactly, but the thing I notice is that it equals to the number of AddSmi appearing in the preceding part of the function. Therefore, if we insert x number of AddSmi instructions before AddSmi.ExtraWide, the value will be the x. Using this approach, we can control 6 bytes in the trusted region with two following bytes being zero. An example of AddSmi.ExtraWide is shown below. The bytes that can be used to set rip is in the bracket.

01 47 (c2 12 00 e0 55 55 00 00) AddSmi.ExtraWide [-536866110], [21845]

0x04 Executing Shellcode

Finally, we can set rip to our shellcode. We can use the similar approach I used previously to construct the shellcode inside the immediate number of a JIT JavaScript function. Fortunately directly copying function still gave the correct shellcode, since the offsets between the immediate numbers remain same after two years. The difference is that currently the JIT JavaScript function is stored in a RWX page whose address is not very random given the high 32 bits of base address of PIE, so we can set rip to the shellcode easily given such a leak.

It seems that in different platform, the offset of the shellcode with respect to the RWX page can be different. The problem does not appear in the original exploit that I used in the CTF, but appears in the simplified exploit that I prepared for this write-up. I am not sure why actually.

Finally, see the exploit here.