0x00 Overview

This is some of my notes about krautflare challenge in 35C3 CTF, and is not a complete write-up for this challenge. For a complete write-up, please read this and this. This is also a complete exploit. I will discuss some of problems I encountered and how I solved them when I was working on this challenge.


Here is the working PoC that can triggers OOB read.

function f(v)
	const arr = [1.1, 2.2, 3.3];
	const o = {z1: -0}
	let res = Object.is(Math.expm1(v), o.z1);
	return arr[res * 1337];
/* or
for (var i = 0; i < 0x4000; i++)


Here are graphs before and after SimplifiedLowring phase, the critical phase that triggers OOB access.

0x01 Array Length Matters

In PoC, the array length is 3, but if we reduce it to 2 or 1, OOB cannot be triggered.

Length 2 Case

When arr = [1.1, 2.2], the result is 2.2, which is non-sense at first glance, because we are multiplying a boolean value with 1337, which can never be 1!

But it is clear if we look at turbolizer. This is the graph just after EscapeAnalysis, so the critical phase SimplifiedLowering that removes bound checking has not been reached yet.

As we can see, instead of accessing array as the result, the code is optimized to a if-else statement. In other word, it is optimized to pseudo-code like this:

tmp = res * 1337;
CheckBounds(tmp, 2); 
// will be eliminated later in SimplifiedLowering
return tmp == 0 ? 1.1 : 2.2;

Therefore, after CheckBounds node is eliminated, and when tmp==1337, the result will be 2. However, if array length is larger than 2, such optimization cannot be done, therefore the array access will still present so that we can trigger the OOB read.

Length 1 Case

When arr = [1.1, 2.2], the result is 1.1. We look at graph just after EscapeAnalysis again.

The pseudo-code now becomes this.

tmp = res * 1337;
CheckBounds(tmp, 1); 
// will be eliminated later in SimplifiedLowering
return 1.1;

The basic logic is, the result should always be 1.1. If tmp is larger than 1, it should be bailed out in CheckBounds operation, which will be eliminated later in SimplifiedLowering. The idea of such optimization is, if we know tmp is within the bound, it must be 0, so arr[tmp] is unnecessary as it is always 1.1.

0x02 Bound Check Elimination

For the working PoC that can cause OOB read, the graph is a bit weird: type for SameValue node is Boolean, even if from input nodes type false can already be inferred. Such type propagates and causes Range(0, 1337) to appear at NumberMultiply node, which does not seem to give information that can eliminates the CheckBounds node, since the array length is 3. Nonetheless, the CheckBounds node is still eliminated after SimplifiedLowering, and type for Int32Mul is still Range(0,1337). How can CheckBounds node be eliminated given that index is typed with Range(0,1337)?

The code corresponds to bound checking elimination is at simplified-lowering.cc:1559.

if (lowering->poisoning_level_ ==
        PoisoningMitigationLevel::kDontPoison &&
    (index_type.IsNone() || length_type.IsNone() ||
     (index_type.Min() >= 0.0 &&
      index_type.Max() < length_type.Min()))) {
  // The bounds check is redundant if we already know that
  // the index is within the bounds of [0.0, length[.
  DeferReplacement(node, node->InputAt(0));
} else {
      node, simplified()->CheckedUint32Bounds(p.feedback()));

If I set a breakpoint here, it stops 2 times. For the first time, index_type is indeed Range(0,1337), and the elimination is not done. However, for the second time, index_type becomes Range(0,0), and at this point the CheckBounds node is eliminated.

In my opinion, after first time the breakpoint stops, the type information of SameValue node will be retyped to false during SimplifiedLowering phase. Such retyped type information will be used for bound checking elimination again, and this is where second time the breakpoint stops. Then SameValue node is typed back to Boolean again, which explains Range(0,1337) of Int32Mul after SimplifiedLowering phase. This does NOT have to be correct, and is just my guess, since the code is too long and I cannot find related code about this.

0x03 JIT

Twice Compilation

In PoC, OptimizeFunctionOnNextCall is used twice. For the first time NumberExpm1 node is generated for Math.expm1, and in the next call, since "a" is not a number, the function will be optimized. For the second time, a Call node will be generated. For the loop case, optimization also occurs twice, and de-optimization occurs just after the first optimization.

I am not sure why turbofan does not generate a Call node in the first time, given the previous argument is always a string instead of a number, since obviously it is very likely for this optimization to bail out in the next call, making such optimization useless. Turbofan should optimize the function in favor of information about arguments gathered in previous calls, so I am not sure what happened here. Maybe I was wrong at some point?

Effect of Early f(-0) Call

Another point to note is that we cannot put f(-0) before function is compiled, otherwise the result will be undefined.

For example,


Let’s see what happened.

Before SimplifiedLowering, bound value that CheckBounds node is using is0x7fffffff, which isINT_MAX. Certainly it has no effect and will be eliminated soon in SimplifiedLowering. The actual bound checking work is done by NumberLessThan, and if this gives false, undefined will be returned. In SimplifiedLowering, such NumberLessThan will not be eliminated but will be lowered to Uint32LessThan, unlike CheckBounds node in the working PoC. In other word, the bound guard will not be eliminated by SimplifiedLowering in this case, but just exist in another form.

I think the reason for this is that f(-1) causes out-of-bound, so turbofan can learn from such call and produce graph that handle the out-of-bound case, instead of just bailing out when OOB occurs, which is the case when f(-1) is not called.

f(0) Call

In one of the previous articles, a piece of code that triggers the bug is provided.

function foo(x) {
    return Object.is(Math.expm1(x), -0);
for(let i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
console.log(foo(-0)); //false

The author is not sure why f(0) is required, since things do not work if we delete this. If we look at the JIT, you will find the second compilation, which is used to produce Call node, is not done. Only the first compilation that generates NumberExpm1 is done, which is de-optimized in the next call. If we look at files that --trace-turbo generated, file turbo-foo-1.json does not present.

If we force the second optimization, bug can be triggered.

for(let i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
console.log(foo(-0)); //false

In addition, if we separate the loop, the bug can also be triggered.

for(let i = 0; i < 50000; i++)
for(let i = 0; i < 50000; i++)
console.log(foo(-0)); //false

My guess is, as the loop goes, V8 finds that foo have no side-effect, so it will not execute foo function anymore, otherwise there is no reason for the second optimization to not occur after de-optimization. Indeed, if we add some side-effect to foo, the bug can be triggered again.

var g = 0;
function foo(x) {
    return Object.is(Math.expm1(x), -0);
for(let i = 0; i < 100000; i++)
console.log(foo(-0)); //false

Again, this is just my guess and does not have to be correct. I will be glad if anyone can point out my mistake.