AFL Reading Notes 1: Instrumentation, Initialization and Fork Server
0x00 Overview
Recently I am investigating AFL Fuzzer, and this is some of my notes about its source code. In this article I will discuss how AFL compiler instruments the target binary to be fuzzed and how some initialization of fuzzer is done. I will also discuss fork server, which enable AFL to not call execve
each time the target program is run.
Disclaimer: since this is just my reading notes and my capability is limited, it is possible for the contents to be inaccurate or even wrong, and I will be glad if you can point out any mistake here.
0x01 Instrumentation
In AFL, instrumentation is done in compilation time. The instrumentation is done at assembly level: in other word, after C/C++ source code is compiled into assembly text, the instrumentation is done and a instrumented assembly text is generated, which is then used to generate the binary file.
For the instrumentation, I will only focus on how instrumentation is done instead of how instrumentation is implemented. The latter one might involve some assembly text processing, for example, which we might not be interested in as a person who only wants to learn some fuzzing techniques.
The main instrumentation logic is done in afl-as.c
, and the codes to be instrumented, which is written in assembly, is in afl-as.h
as string format.
Instrumented Code
The instrumented code is written in ATT assembly, but such assembly format is uncomfortable to read, so I will use afl-gcc
to compile a binary and put it into IDA to read the instrumented code, with reference to the comments written in afl-as.h
AFL instruments a piece of code on each basic block, shown below.
lea rsp, [rsp-98h] ; allocate some stack space
mov qword ptr [rsp+98h+input+0F80h], rdx
mov qword ptr [rsp+98h+input+0F88h], rcx
mov qword ptr [rsp+98h+input+0F90h], rax ; save registers
mov rcx, 0FC50h ; rcx is the block identifier, generated randomly
call __afl_maybe_log
mov rax, qword ptr [rsp+98h+input+0F90h]
mov rcx, qword ptr [rsp+98h+input+0F88h]
mov rdx, qword ptr [rsp+98h+input+0F80h]
lea rsp, [rsp+98h] ; recover stack and variables
Function __afl_maybe_log
seto al ; store some flags into ax
mov rdx, cs:__afl_area_ptr ; NULL for the first time
test rdx, rdx
jz short __afl_setup ; this will jump for the first time
is used to initialize shared memory pointer and start fork server, which will be detailed later.
cmp cs:__afl_setup_failure, 0
jnz short __afl_return
; do not retry setup if we had previous failures
lea rdx, __afl_global_area_ptr
mov rdx, [rdx]
test rdx, rdx
jz short __afl_setup_first
; use the global pointer if it is not NULL
mov cs:__afl_area_ptr, rdx
jmp short __afl_store
lea rsp, [rsp-160h]
mov [rsp+160h+var_160], rax
mov [rsp+160h+var_158], rcx
mov [rsp+160h+var_150], rdi
mov [rsp+160h+var_140], rsi
mov [rsp+160h+var_138], r8
mov [rsp+160h+var_130], r9
mov [rsp+160h+var_128], r10
mov [rsp+160h+var_120], r11
movq [rsp+160h+var_100], xmm0
movq [rsp+160h+var_F0], xmm1
movq [rsp+160h+var_E0], xmm2
movq [rsp+160h+var_D0], xmm3
movq [rsp+160h+var_C0], xmm4
movq [rsp+160h+var_B0], xmm5
movq [rsp+160h+var_A0], xmm6
movq [rsp+160h+var_90], xmm7
movq [rsp+160h+var_80], xmm8
movq [rsp+160h+var_70], xmm9
movq [rsp+160h+var_60], xmm10
movq [rsp+160h+var_50], xmm11
movq [rsp+160h+var_40], xmm12
movq [rsp+160h+var_30], xmm13
movq [rsp+160h+var_20], xmm14
movq [rsp+160h+var_10], xmm15
; save registers into stack
push r12
mov r12, rsp
; save rsp
sub rsp, 10h
; align rsp
lea rdi, _AFL_SHM_ENV ; "__AFL_SHM_ID"
call _getenv
test rax, rax
; get shared memory id from environment var
jz __afl_setup_abort
mov rdi, rax ; nptr
call _atoi
xor rdx, rdx ; shmflg
xor rsi, rsi ; shmaddr
mov rdi, rax ; shmid
call _shmat
; map shared memory into virtual space
jz __afl_setup_abort
mov rdx, rax
mov cs:__afl_area_ptr, rax
lea rdx, __afl_global_area_ptr
mov [rdx], rax
mov rdx, rax
; save shared memory virtual address
At this point the shared memory pointer initialization is done, after then is the fork server. In simple words, fork server works by stopping at the beginning of the main function, and fork a child process if a new instance is needed for fuzzing. This technique significantly reduces the performance bottleneck exerted by execve
push rdx
push rdx
mov rdx, 4 ; n
lea rsi, __afl_temp ; buf
mov rdi, 199 ; fd used to communicate with afl-fuzz, covered later
call _write
; tell afl-fuzz that fork server is ready
; there is a corresponding `read` in afl-fuzz, covered later
; the specific byte contents does not matter
cmp rax, 4
jnz __afl_fork_resume
Then a loop is entered.
__afl_fork_wait_loop: ; nbytes
mov rdx, 4
lea rsi, __afl_temp ; buf
mov rdi, 198 ; status
call _read
; wait for afl-fuzzer to start a new fuzzing process
; specific byte contents does not matter either
cmp rax, 4
jnz __afl_die
call _fork ; fork a child process for fuzzing
cmp rax, 0
jl __afl_die
jz short __afl_fork_resume
The child process will simply record the path coverage information into shared memory and return from this function.
__afl_fork_resume: ; fd
mov rdi, 198
call _close
mov rdi, 199 ; fd
call _close
; close the fd
pop rdx
pop rdx
mov rsp, r12
pop r12
mov rax, [rsp+160h+var_160]
mov rcx, [rsp+160h+var_158]
mov rdi, [rsp+160h+var_150]
mov rsi, [rsp+160h+var_140]
mov r8, [rsp+160h+var_138]
mov r9, [rsp+160h+var_130]
mov r10, [rsp+160h+var_128]
mov r11, [rsp+160h+var_120]
movq xmm0, [rsp+160h+var_100]
movq xmm1, [rsp+160h+var_F0]
movq xmm2, [rsp+160h+var_E0]
movq xmm3, [rsp+160h+var_D0]
movq xmm4, [rsp+160h+var_C0]
movq xmm5, [rsp+160h+var_B0]
movq xmm6, [rsp+160h+var_A0]
movq xmm7, [rsp+160h+var_90]
movq xmm8, [rsp+160h+var_80]
movq xmm9, [rsp+160h+var_70]
movq xmm10, [rsp+160h+var_60]
movq xmm11, [rsp+160h+var_50]
movq xmm12, [rsp+160h+var_40]
movq xmm13, [rsp+160h+var_30]
movq xmm14, [rsp+160h+var_20]
movq xmm15, [rsp+160h+var_10]
lea rsp, [rsp+160h]
; resume stack and registers
jmp __afl_store
; rcx is this_loc
xor rcx, cs:__afl_prev_loc
xor cs:__afl_prev_loc, rcx
; prev_loc == prev_loc ^ this_loc ^ prev_loc == this_loc
shr cs:__afl_prev_loc, 1
; prev_loc = this_loc >> 1
inc byte ptr [rdx+rcx]
; rcx is ((last_this_loc >> 1) ^ this_loc)
; increment corresponding bytes in shared memory
; which can record information about path cov
; "path A followed by path B is executed"
; although with possible collision
add al, 7Fh ; a hacky way to resume O flag :)
; resume flags
The parent process send pid
of child process to afl-fuzz
, wait child process to finish, and send return status of the child process to afl-fuzz
mov cs:__afl_fork_pid, eax
mov rdx, 4 ; n
lea rsi, __afl_fork_pid ; buf
mov rdi, 199 ; fd
call _write
; write child pid to fd 199
mov rdx, 0 ; options
lea rsi, __afl_temp ; stat_loc
mov rdi, qword ptr cs:__afl_fork_pid ; pid
call _waitpid
; wait child process
cmp rax, 0
jle __afl_die
mov rdx, 4 ; n
lea rsi, __afl_temp ; buf
mov rdi, 199 ; fd
call _write
; write return status of child process to fd 199
jmp __afl_fork_wait_loop
; jump back to the start of loop
When this function is executed for the second time, __afl_area_ptr
or __afl_global_area_ptr
is not NULL
, so it will jump to __afl_store
directly in order to record path coverage information for this particular control block.
0x02 Fork Server Initialization
The fork server initialization is done in init_forkserver
, which is called in the first time the target is run.
EXP_ST void init_forkserver(char** argv) {
static struct itimerval it;
int st_pipe[2], ctl_pipe[2];
int status;
s32 rlen;
ACTF("Spinning up the fork server...");
if (pipe(st_pipe) || pipe(ctl_pipe)) PFATAL("pipe() failed");
// initilize the pipe
forksrv_pid = fork();
// fork a process as fork server
if (forksrv_pid < 0) PFATAL("fork() failed");
/* be covered later... */
In the child process:
if (!forksrv_pid) {
/* ...some settings, which is not very intersting...*/
dup2(dev_null_fd, 1);
dup2(dev_null_fd, 2);
// set stdout and stderr to /dev/null
if (out_file) {
dup2(dev_null_fd, 0);
// if input is given by file (e.i. @@ in arguments)
// stdin is also set to /dev/null
} else {
dup2(out_fd, 0);
// if input is given by stdin
// stdin is set to out_fd,
// which is used to transmit testcase input data
/* Set up control and status pipes, close the unneeded original fds. */
if (dup2(ctl_pipe[0], FORKSRV_FD) < 0) PFATAL("dup2() failed");
if (dup2(st_pipe[1], FORKSRV_FD + 1) < 0) PFATAL("dup2() failed");
// #define FORKSRV_FD 198
// remember fd 198 and 199 that appears in instrumented code
// close fds
/* This should improve performance a bit, since it stops the linker from
doing extra work post-fork(). */
if (!getenv("LD_BIND_LAZY")) setenv("LD_BIND_NOW", "1", 0);
/* Set sane defaults for ASAN if nothing else specified. */
setenv("ASAN_OPTIONS", "abort_on_error=1:"
"allocator_may_return_null=1", 0);
/* MSAN is tricky, because it doesn't support abort_on_error=1 at this
point. So, we do this in a very hacky way. */
setenv("MSAN_OPTIONS", "exit_code=" STRINGIFY(MSAN_ERROR) ":"
"msan_track_origins=0", 0);
// set some environment variables
execv(target_path, argv);
// start the target binary, which will stop at fork server
/* Use a distinctive bitmap signature to tell the parent about execv()
falling through. */
*(u32*)trace_bits = EXEC_FAIL_SIG;
In parent process:
/* Close the unneeded endpoints. */
fsrv_ctl_fd = ctl_pipe[1];
fsrv_st_fd = st_pipe[0]; //store pipe fd to globals
/* Wait for the fork server to come up, but don't wait too long. */
it.it_value.tv_sec = ((exec_tmout * FORK_WAIT_MULT) / 1000);
it.it_value.tv_usec = ((exec_tmout * FORK_WAIT_MULT) % 1000) * 1000;
setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &it, NULL);
rlen = read(fsrv_st_fd, &status, 4);
// this corresponds to the first write before fork server loop
it.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
it.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &it, NULL);
/* If we have a four-byte "hello" message from the server, we're all set.
Otherwise, try to figure out what went wrong. */
if (rlen == 4) {
OKF("All right - fork server is up.");
return; // if no error occurs, this function will return
/* ...error handlings, not interesting...*/
0x03 Instance Running
Before running an instance for fuzzing, afl-fuzz
firstly write testcase input data into out_fd
by function write_to_testcase
and write_with_gap
/* Write modified data to file for testing. If out_file is set, the old file
is unlinked and a new one is created. Otherwise, out_fd is rewound and
truncated. */
static void write_to_testcase(void* mem, u32 len) {
s32 fd = out_fd;
if (out_file) {
unlink(out_file); /* Ignore errors. */
fd = open(out_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600);
if (fd < 0) PFATAL("Unable to create '%s'", out_file);
} else lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
ck_write(fd, mem, len, out_file); // write data into fd
if (!out_file) {
if (ftruncate(fd, len)) PFATAL("ftruncate() failed");
lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
} else close(fd);
/* The same, but with an adjustable gap. Used for trimming. */
static void write_with_gap(void* mem, u32 len, u32 skip_at, u32 skip_len) {
s32 fd = out_fd;
u32 tail_len = len - skip_at - skip_len;
if (out_file) {
unlink(out_file); /* Ignore errors. */
fd = open(out_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0600);
if (fd < 0) PFATAL("Unable to create '%s'", out_file);
} else lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
if (skip_at) ck_write(fd, mem, skip_at, out_file);
if (tail_len) ck_write(fd, mem + skip_at + skip_len, tail_len, out_file);
// write 2 chunks of data into fd
if (!out_file) {
if (ftruncate(fd, len - skip_len)) PFATAL("ftruncate() failed");
lseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
} else close(fd);
Then, a function run_target
is called to run the instance.
/* Execute target application, monitoring for timeouts. Return status
information. The called program will update trace_bits[]. */
static u8 run_target(char** argv, u32 timeout) {
static struct itimerval it;
static u32 prev_timed_out = 0;
int status = 0;
u32 tb4;
child_timed_out = 0;
/* After this memset, trace_bits[] are effectively volatile, so we
must prevent any earlier operations from venturing into that
territory. */
memset(trace_bits, 0, MAP_SIZE);
/* If we're running in "dumb" mode, we can't rely on the fork server
logic compiled into the target program, so we will just keep calling
execve(). There is a bit of code duplication between here and
init_forkserver(), but c'est la vie. */
if (dumb_mode == 1 || no_forkserver) {
/* ...when there is no fork server, not interesting... */
} else {
s32 res;
/* In non-dumb mode, we have the fork server up and running, so simply
tell it to have at it, and then read back PID. */
if ((res = write(fsrv_ctl_fd, &prev_timed_out, 4)) != 4) {
if (stop_soon) return 0;
RPFATAL(res, "Unable to request new process from fork server (OOM?)");
} // write 4 bytes, corresponds to `read`
// at the start of fork server loop
// so that fork server will start to execut
// and fork a new instance
if ((res = read(fsrv_st_fd, &child_pid, 4)) != 4) {
if (stop_soon) return 0;
RPFATAL(res, "Unable to request new process from fork server (OOM?)");
} // get the pid of new forked instance
if (child_pid <= 0) FATAL("Fork server is misbehaving (OOM?)");
/* Configure timeout, as requested by user, then wait for child to terminate. */
it.it_value.tv_sec = (timeout / 1000);
it.it_value.tv_usec = (timeout % 1000) * 1000;
setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &it, NULL);
/* The SIGALRM handler simply kills the child_pid and sets child_timed_out. */
if (dumb_mode == 1 || no_forkserver) { // not important
if (waitpid(child_pid, &status, 0) <= 0) PFATAL("waitpid() failed");
} else {
s32 res;
if ((res = read(fsrv_st_fd, &status, 4)) != 4) { // get return status
if (stop_soon) return 0;
RPFATAL(res, "Unable to communicate with fork server (OOM?)");
if (!WIFSTOPPED(status)) child_pid = 0;
it.it_value.tv_sec = 0;
it.it_value.tv_usec = 0;
setitimer(ITIMER_REAL, &it, NULL);
/* Any subsequent operations on trace_bits must not be moved by the
compiler below this point. Past this location, trace_bits[] behave
very normally and do not have to be treated as volatile. */
tb4 = *(u32*)trace_bits;
#ifdef __x86_64__
#endif /* ^__x86_64__ */
prev_timed_out = child_timed_out;
/* Report outcome to caller. */
if (WIFSIGNALED(status) && !stop_soon) {
kill_signal = WTERMSIG(status);
if (child_timed_out && kill_signal == SIGKILL) return FAULT_TMOUT;
/* A somewhat nasty hack for MSAN, which doesn't support abort_on_error and
must use a special exit code. */
if (uses_asan && WEXITSTATUS(status) == MSAN_ERROR) {
kill_signal = 0;
if ((dumb_mode == 1 || no_forkserver) && tb4 == EXEC_FAIL_SIG)
return FAULT_NONE;
// process the return status, todo: investigate in detail